Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Preparing for a Divorce

Your first priority, if you have children, is for their well being.  Caution should be observed to insure their safety and welfare. Your spouse should be asked to cooperate in this endeavor, which when given, will provide for civil behavoir between yourselves in their presence. Children will adapt to the situation if their parents seem to be controlled and calm. 
   If your spouse is abusive and presents a danger to the youngsters and or you, it is prudent to alert authorities, which may include social services, the police department and of course your attorney for advice. Let the school know who is authorized to pick up the children. Keep photographs, fingerprints, medical records and decriptions of each child handy. Secure their passports. For your safety and the children keep the phone number of the nearest domestic violence shelter on hand and know how to get there.

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